A photo of coffee in a glass mug on a rustic wooden table in Copenhagen, Denmark

Weekly pastor’s post (July 21 – 27, 2024)

by | Jul 27, 2024 | Pastor's post | 2 comments

At the townhall meeting, the last question was ‘how are you priests doing?’ – this is my answer!

Another week, another whirlwind! I swear, these pastor’s posts won’t always come in at the last possible minute – but here we are again for the week ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

One of the highlights of this week was our first parish family townhall meeting, held at Saint Mary Star of the Sea in Port Townsend. It was impressively attended – not only by parishioners from one parish, but folks of several of our communities. Even only a few weeks into this new phase of Partners in the Gospel, people are working to demonstrate care across parish boundaries. Well done, all.

You’ll have heard this weekend – at least at Queen of Angels and Saint Joseph parishes – about the friendly holiness competition I’m kicking off with the vicars. It started this Thursday, when I got an email from Saint Mary Star of the Sea about Father Gali offering Vespers (Evening Prayer) with the community. Later that evening, Father Ed shared that he is planning a charismatic prayer event – a ‘Festival of Praise’ – at Saint Anne. I can’t have my vicars making me look like a slacker, so I’m going to be having Vespers AND a game night at the gym of Queen of Angels every Wednesday evening (5:30 pm to 8 pm) through the end of August – our first one will be next week!

I don’t know how this will all turn out, but the three of us are already talking about trying to see how we can experiment with different prayer opportunities, activities, or events that we & our respective regions might find interesting and edifying. All it takes is a few people with an idea, a basic plan, and the willingness to try it out! I hope you’ll join in seeing how the Holy Spirit might inspire our communities.

P.S. If you haven’t read it already, please be sure to check out my post about residency and scheduling (click this sentence).

A picture of Saint Lawrence of Brindisi

July 21 – Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, whose feast day is today, is not – at least in my experience – particularly well-known. But his life is an interesting one! He could read and speak six different languages – including Latin, Hebrew, and Greek. He was a scholar and in his preaching to Jewish people, was so knowledgeable that some believed that he was a Jewish person who had converted to Christianity. After his death, his writings were compiled by his fellow Capuchin Franciscans – it took 15 volumes! Read about him at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

A painting of the holy women at Christ's tomb - Mary Magdalene, the other Mary, and another women encounter an angel at the tomb of Jesus

July 22 – We celebrate today the feast of Saint Mary Magdalene. Though often remembered for her colorful past and complete conversion to Christ, it is her perseverance that is most impressive. After the disciples had left the empty tomb, it was Mary Magdalene who stuck around – and as a result, was the first to see Christ after His resurrection. Read about her at Word on Fire.

A painting of Saint James the Apostle by Peter Paul Rubens. Robed in red, he holds a bible in one hand and an axe over his shoulder

July 25 – Happy feast day to the Archdiocese of Seattle, who patron – Saint James – we commemorate today. Saint James the Elder was the first of the apostles to die a martyr’s death. When James & John sent their mother to ask Jesus a rather outrageous favor, He asked them if they could drink from the chalice that He would drink from. Perhaps naively, they responded ‘yes’ – and while that early enthusiasm may have been unwitting, their faith saw them do just that. Read about Saint James at uCatholic.

An icon of Saint Joachim and Anne, parents of the Virgin Mary

July 26 – Our last memorial of the week is of Saints Joachim and Anne. Though we know precious little about them, I wonder at what stories they have to tell about their daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary. What must they have thought, seeing the fruits of the unique prevenient grace in her immaculate conception. Though they did not share in that particular blessing, they nonetheless helped form & guide Mary – and in so doing, did the same for Jesus. I’m guessing they are the proudest of grandparents in the halls of heaven! Read about them at Franciscan Media.

Priests celebrating their anniversaries this week

A color line art picture of people gathered around an altar as incense rises above them to heaven before the three Persons of the Trinity, Mary & Joseph, and all the saints & angels.

Remembering our deceased priests

  • Msgr. John Egan (July 21, 1966)
  • Msgr. John P. Doogan (July 22, 20030
  • Abp. Raymond G. Hunthausen (July 22, 2018)
  • Fr. Jerome A. Dooley (July 24, 1993)
  • Fr. J. Michael Holland (July 24, 1998)
  • Fr. Fr. Patrick J. Ritter (July 26, 2020)
  • Fr. John J. Gribbin (July 27, 1914)
A black and white line art drawing of Christ the judge enthroned within an arch with angels seated on pillars to His right and left with stars behind him.


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Welcome to the comments section! As you join (or start) the conversation, please keep keep in mind that – above all – Christian charity is our guiding principle. Please limit comments to the topic(s) of the post itself. Comments that stray from these guidelines will likely be deleted. I look forward to your thoughts & contributions!


  1. Ann Henninger

    Father I want to invite you now to the Ignite NW conference July 9 – 13th 2025 at the University of Portland. We are having a marvelous time down here this week and I think you will find it enjoyable, edify, and amazing.

  2. Morningstar Erickson

    I am so excited for game night! It is an answer to many prayers.