In my experience, the week before Christmas is often a quiet one. I won’t say it’s exactly peaceful – we all have various last-minute things needing done personally and ecclesially! Still, I find that the proximity (and inevitability!) of the coming celebrations help focus priorities. There’s something about Gaudete Sunday, with it’s brighter colors and joyful message that serves as a kind of re-orientation to what we’re all about: the coming of Christ!
I found myself especially joyful this weekend after receiving a call from a dear friend of mine. She and her husband, after a years-long time of desiring to start a family to no avail, find themselves expecting a child – she is just finishing her third month of pregnancy (often, as I understand it, a particularly tenuous period for unborn babies). I was honored and delighted to be invited to share in a celebration that, it occurs to me only just now, is reminiscent of Elizabeth & Mary’s rejoicing. In you would, please add my friend, her husband, and their baby to your prayers, that what the Lord has begun may come to a joyful meeting sometime in July!
This weekend has also been touched with a fair share sadness. You may have seen the recent Facebook post from Saint Michael parish in Olympia asking for prayers for their longtime pastor, Father Jim Lee. In addition to being a priest for nearly 50 years, Father Jim has helped form many priests across the archdiocese, including me. That he will likely be joining the saints & angels in celebrating Christmas with the Lord face-to-face is a bittersweet grace, especially for those whose lives he has touched. In your kindness, please take a moment to pray for him as he is called to his eternal reward, and for all those who love him as they gather at his side – especially his parishioners at Saint Michael and Saint Edward (Parish Family 41).
Whether it is here on earth or in heaven, there is new life to be found in Christ. May we use this last full week of Advent to ask the Lord to draw near to us, bringing healing to the wounded, restoration of our God-given glory, and a greater closeness to Him as our savior & friend.
December 15 – Today is the third Sunday of Advent or Gaudete Sunday, taking its name from the entrance antiphon of the Mass, which begins “Gaudéte in Dómino semper” (“Rejoice in the Lord always”). The readings for today echo that call for joy – not only in our own response to God’s graciousness, but emphasizing God’s delight in us. Though this is a singular day in the life of the Church (and one of only two where rose vestments may be used), it is a reminder both of the closeness of the Nativity of the Lord and our responsibility to eagerly preach the good news to the world. Benedictine College has a helpful reflection on takeways from today.
December 17 – Today begins the seven days of the what are called the “O Antiphons”. Taken from the antiphons that accompany the Magnificat of Vespers of each of these days, most Catholics will recognize these from the verses of the hymn ‘O Come, O Come Emmanuel’ (the last of the antiphons). The first antiphon “O Sapientia” (O Wisdom of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and love: come to teach us the path of knowledge!) are drawn (as are all the antiphons) from the prophecies of the prophet Isaiah. You can read those at Isaiah 11:2-3 and Isaiah 28:29. The YouTube channel ‘Neumes and Tunes’ has the Latin & English chant for each day – check out today’s sung antiphon here.
December 18 – Today’s antiphon is “O Adonai” (“O Leader of the House of Israel, giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai: come to rescue us with your mighty power!”). It comes from Isaiah 11:4–5 and Isaiah 33:22. Check out today’s sung antiphon (courtesy of the ‘Neumes and Tunes’ YouTube channel) here.
December 19 – Today’s antiphon is “O Radix Jesse” (“O Root of Jesse’s stem, sign of God’s love for all his people: come to save us without delay!”). It comes from Isaiah 1:1 and Isaiah 11:10. Check out today’s sung antiphon (courtesy of the ‘Neumes and Tunes’ YouTube channel) here.
December 20 – Today’s antiphon is “O Clavis David” (“O Key of David, opening the gates of God’s eternal Kingdom: come and free the prisoners of darkness!”) and comes from Isaiah 9:6 and Isaiah 22:22. Check out today’s sung antiphon (courtesy of the ‘Neumes and Tunes’ YouTube channel) here.
December 21 – This week ends with the the antiphon “O Oriens” (“O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: come and shine on those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death.) from Isaiah 9:1. Check out today’s sung antiphon (courtesy of the ‘Neumes and Tunes’ YouTube channel) here.
Priests celebrating their anniversaries this week
- Rev. James E. Eblen (December 16, 1964)
- Very Rev. Michael G. Ryan (December 17, 1966)
- Rev. Phillip A. Bloom (December 17, 1971)
- Rev. James L. Bailey (December 20, 1986)
- Rev. Celso Marquez, M.Sp.S. (December 20, 1997)
- Very Rev. Paul A. Magnano (December 21, 1967)
Happy anniversary to Fr Phil Bloom! Many years ago he was instrumental in establishing parish partnership between Queen of Angels and the Mary Bloom Center in Peru.
Thank you for the links to the sung O Antiphons – beautiful!