Today is the third day of a sort of unofficial ‘autumn triduum’ of All Hallow’s Eve, All Saints, and All Souls’ (kudos to Elizabeth Scalia, through whom I encountered the term in her 2021 article Halloween, All Saints’, All Souls’: The “Autumn...
This Sunday marks the two-month mark of our new parish family and my coming to the Olympic Peninsula. As I continue to get my bearings – with the help of amazing staff and dedicated volunteers across five churches and our school – it is obvious that there...
I’m still playing catch-up from my time away last week, so this week’s post is brief. Nonetheless, I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. In addition to praying for all laborers, remember our students in your prayers, who begin school next week...
Gall bladder removal – maybe a way to accomplish Ephesians 4:31 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I hope this finds you all well, enjoying the tail of the week and the beginning of the weekend. For myself, this week has been a trip – I hosted my monthly priest support group here...
Welcome Charlotte Ruth Maurer! We’re so glad to finally meet you. This week has started out in perhaps the most delightful way: with the birth of my first niece, Charlotte Ruth Maurer (pictured right)! My sister-in-law, brother, and their three boys –...